Saturday, May 9, 2009

Nightmares from Working Retail!

We have this woman who comes in regularly and always brings her son. Normally, that wouldn't bother me, except this kid is the spawn of Satan. And I like kids, so for me to say he's that, means he's AWFUL! Anyway, he regularly moves rounders, and tips over manequins, and climbs the candy tower, and stands on top of the tables. He pulls things off the tables and strews jewelry and candy around the store. We tell him not to, but he just pretends not to understand. He drives us crazy! Anyway, this week, he started fiddling with the fire extiguisher. Why we have it down where kids can mess with it, I don't have any idea!?! Anyway, the girl working that night told him not to mess with the fire extinguiser, he could get hurt, make a mess, etc. He takes one look at her, smiles his evil little smile, pulls the pin, and squeezes the trigger. Sandy, nasty chemical foam goes everywhere! All over clothes, candy, jewelry! Thankfully, it missed the registers. It would have completely ruined the registers. We've been cleaning up foam and sand all week. I got a horrible sinus headache the next day, because of all the dust flying around! Anyway, one of the many nightmares I live through at work!